An Ideal Student- Paragraph


The student who learns his lessons attentively goes to school regularly and obeys his parents and teachers is called obedient to his superiors. He should always speak the truth and never tell a lie. He should say his prayers five times a day. He must have a love for his county. He must be ready to sacrifice his life for the well-being of the playground at the proper time. An ideal student studies with profound attention. He never neglects his duty. He aims to be great in life. He always makes good use of time and never wastes a single moment. He abides by the rules of discipline in all spheres of life. He prepares his life with a noble aim. And he does everything to fulfill his dream. An ideal student has many moral qualities. He is honest, truthful, modest, and pious. He helps the poor, serves the distressed, and teaches the illiterate. All the students should try to follow this way of life.

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