The 21st February।।The International Mother Language Day- Paragraph


The importance of 21st February in the history of Bangladesh can hardly be exaggerated. 21st February is International Mother Language Day. On this day in 1952, to save Bangla Language especially, students struggled against the then Govt who wanted to snatch it away from our tongue. On this day, people wake up very early to go to ‘Shaheed Minari barefooted. People offer flowers at the ‘Shaheed Millar’ to pay homage to the martyrs. They walk the following lines and sing the most famous song by Abdul Gaffar Chowdhury. To mark the day, different cultural programs are arranged. In the evening people organize discussions or seminars. People do so to commemorate the heroic deeds of our national heroes. This day was once the pride of our countrymen, but the whole world presently observes this day with due respect. The world as a whole remembers our noble sons. The world now knows that Bangalees are very brave; they are not afraid of sacrificing their lives to establish the right of their mother toungue.

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