Water Pollution- Paragraph


Water is called life. But it is being polluted day by day for many reasons. The main reason for polluting water is the responsibility of human beings. People throw waste into water and pollute it. Ships throw oil, human-wastes, and other wastes into rivers and sea-water which causes water pollution. Farmers use chemical fertilizers and insecticides ( in their fields. Besides, some people use insanitary latrines by rivers, canals, and drains which greatly pollute water. By drinking polluted water people become ill. Fishes die in polluted water and even farming becomes impossible in severely polluted water. It is a threat to our natural environment. People can stop water pollution by being conscious of it. Farmers should use natural or green fertilizer in their fields. People should use sanitary latrines. Ship owners should be careful to build the bottom layer of their ships properly to stop oil sipping (চুয়ে চুয়ে পড়া). Thus we can save water from pollution.

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