Our National Flag।।National Flag


A national flag symbolizes freedom and sovereignty of a free county. Every independent county has a national flag of its own. Bangladesh is an independent country and she has a national flag of her own. It is rectangular in size. The length and breadth of the flag are 10: 6. It has a red circle in the middle. The green color symbolizes the youth and the red color resembles a rising sun. It also symbolizes the supreme sacrifices of our freedom fighters and language myrtles. It is hosted every day on the top of the important government building and educational institutions. It is kept half mast on Shaded Day. I am proud of our national flag because it reminds our independence. We got our independence from Pakistan in 1971 on 16 December. We must uphold its honor by doing our national duty properly. We must sacrifice our lives for the sake of our country and its sovereignty.

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