How to make good result — Dialogue


Rahat: Hi Sadit, why do you look so dejected? Anything wrong?

Sadit : Nothing wrong, friend. When my examination approaches, my tension rises.

Rahat: Oh, it’s a great wrong. Aren’t you well-prepared?

Sadit : Not this is the case. I always study a lot but can’t do well in the exam. Would you help me in this case?

Rahat:Yes ofcourse. Listen Sadit. You should never cram anything without understanding. Always follow your text book and prepare your notes yourself. Revise them again and again and practice writing. In this way, you’ll be able to answer any question even if it is uncommon.

Sadit : Really valuable advice. But I can’t complete writing my answer in time.

Rahat: For this you should budget your time. You have to fix how much time you’ll get for every question. Don’t elaborate your answer unnecessarily.

Sadit : OK, Rahat. I think your advice will be of great use to me. Thank you so much.
Rahat: You’re welcome.

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