A Mobile Phone।।Mobile Phone-Phone-Paragraph


A mobile phone is one kind of portable telephone. A great discovery of science. We get and send news, play game, time, calculator, etc. everything from the phone. Now the world is getting like a village which can called a global village. As a result, we feel in touch with one another. But there present also some negative reviews. Some people use a mobile phone in the wrong way. They do the crime, terrorism over the mobile phone. Radiation which comes out from a mobile phone during use is not good for health.

Sometimes it causes cancer and abnormalities. A mobile phone is a valuable blessing for us. We should not make overuse it. Stay keep in blessing it is our responsibility to stop the negative impact. Proper care and awareness from begging are essential. Especially for children because their mind is very soft. And they are not able to find good or bad from the begging point. So, we have to take care of it.

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