A Bus Stand- Paragraph


A bus stand is a well-known place. It is an important place for our everyday communication. It is a place where buses stop and start. It is seen in a city or a town. It is a bustling place. It remains active all the time. There is a waiting room for the passengers in most bus stands. Passengers eagerly wait for the arrival of buses. In some bus stands there are counters for booking tickets. Passengers stand in line to collect the ticket. When buses arrive, people become busy and try to get into the buses and get down from the buses. There are different kinds of stalls. A tea stall is a common sight in a bus stand. Coolies are seen busy carrying loads. Hawkers are found selling betel leaf: cigarettes, and many other items. Magazines and seasonal fruits are also available here. When the buses leave the stand, it becomes quiet. But when another bus comes, it becomes busier again. Sometimes people quarrel with each other. Pickpocket picks up the passengers’ pocket. Yet a bus stand plays a vital role in our communication and transport.

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