Doctor and Patient-diaolgue


Rafiq : Good morning sir .
Doctor : Good morning , Please sit down . What is your name ?
Rafiq : Thank you . My name is Rafiq .
Doctor : How old are you ?
Rafiq : I’m sixteen years old .
Doctor : What ‘s your problem ?
Rafiq : I’ve been suffering from fever for the last five days . I also feel severe pain all over my body .
Doctor : What about your taste and appetite?
Rafiq : I fell everything bitter and I don’t feel like taking food .
Doctor : Please lie down on the bed and unbutton your shirt . I have to check your chest .
Rafiq : Yes , doctor .
Doctor : There is nothing to worry about . You have been suffering from viral fever .
Rafiq : Do I need any medicine ?
Doctor : Yes , here is the prescription . Take these medicines for a week . You ‘ll be all right in a week .
Rafiq : Thank you, Doctor .
Doctor : Don’t mention it .

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