Good side and bad side of Facebook-Dialogue


Espa : Hi Eqra, How’re you?
Eqra : Fine and you?
Espa : Well. What are you doing?
Eqra : I’m using Facebook.
Espa : What’s the main purpose of using Facebook?
Eqra : It’s one of the best medium for communication.
Espa : Why do you use Facebook?
Eqra : Because it gives me the opportunity to share my ideas, feelings, activities, interests with people.
Espa : Is there any other benefit?
Eqra : By creating a group, students can use facebook for group study where they can share any information about projects, homework, assignments, exams etc.
Espa : Is there any disadvantage of using facebook?
Eqra : Every social network has uses and abuses. Some disadvantages of facebook are it makes eyesight weak, wastage of time, poor result, cyber crime etc.
Espa : Thanks for your information.
Eqra : You are most welcome.

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