Advising him to give up smoking-Letter


My dear Salam,
Hope you are well by the grace of Allah. Recently, from a reliable source, I have come to know that you have developed the habit of smoking. I am shocked to hear this. Smoking is surely dangerous for your health. A chain smoker can never do anything properly and becomes a slave to the addiction . It will lead you to various problems. A puff of cigarette is full of poisonous elements that are very harmful for both your mental and physical health. So, I request you to give up smoking as soon as possible. Please be serious and give it up. I pray to Allah that He may help you to.get rid of this bad habit.
No more today. Tender my best compliments to your parents and affection to the youngers.

Your loving friend,

একটি উত্তর ত্যাগ

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