Thanking for Hospitality-Letter


House No 2
Lalbag, Dhaka-1100
12 July, 2020

My dear Helal,
I returned home safely last evening. I faced no trouble on the way my home. Hope you are getting well with the family and I am also well.
Last week I spent six days with you in your sweet family. But I will never forget those happy and joyful days. How affectionate and kind your parents and grandparents are! How sweet and loving your younger sister is! How dutiful and responsible the care taker of your house is! Your parents loved me as their own child. All other members looked upon me as a member of your family. The house care-taker was always beside me. I was much impressed seeing the closed co-operation and mutual understanding among the members of your family. The sweet memory of your sweet houses will remain ever fresh in my mind.

No more today. With my best wishes to you and other members of your family.
Yours ever,

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