আইসিটি ট্রেনিং।। in Education Literacy Troubleshooting Maintenance Trainning


Trainning Name: ICT in Education Literacy Troubleshooting Maintenance
Trainning Time : 10 Day
Trainer: Afzal Hossaun Emon, Sahporan,Sylhet
Organised By : ICT Department, Bangladesh
Vennu: Silam PL ML High School
Date : 11-23 September

1. History of Computer
2. Kinds of Computer
3. Microsoft Word
4. Microsoft Power Point
5. Slide Show, Animation
6. Microsoft Execel
7. Excel- Addition,Subtraction,Multiplication
8. Excel- Biling,Salary Sheet,Commision
9. Annual Result Sheet Making
10. Hotspot Share
11. Network
12. Different Topology
13. Security and Hacking
14. Data Center
15. LAN Cable File Transfer
16. Video Editing
17. Defragment
18. PDF Convert,PDF to word
19. Anydesk Using,File transferring
20. Language Translation
21. Gooogle Lanse Using
22. Random Word Replacing
23. Computer Security
24. Computer Saifty
25. Cyber Crime
26. Computer Virus,Anti virous, Malware
27.Smart Password Setting
28. Computer Alard Using
29. Industrialysation History
30. Different Technology Conversation
31. Virtual Reality
32. Block Chain Network
33. Robotics,Hacking
34. Telecommunication System

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