Progress of studies- letter


June 23,2022

My dear father/Mother,

I was so happy to receive your kind letter. You have asked me to write you about my progress in studies. You will be glad to know that I am doing very well in my studies.

You will be pleased to hear that I am making progress by leaps and bounds in my studies. I am working day and night and burning the midnight oil. I get up before dawn and never let the books go off my hands till late after dusk, Then I have a brief interval for dinner and back I am to studies again. Never do I sleep before past midnight.
Fortunately, all my teachers are keenly interested in their job. They give us class tests .I had showed very good results and stood first through out in all subjects.

I hope that, with your and mother’s blessings, I will get first position in annual exams.

Pay my salam to all at home.
Your’s loving daughter

Protima Rani Paul

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