SSC 24 Progati Assignment

নিচের প্রশ্ন থেকে ৫ এবং ৬ নং প্রশ্ন দুটি অ্যাসাইনমেন্ট হিসেবে লিখে আনবে।

CV – Post of Marketing Manager

Ms. Janet Ramos VP Marketing XYZ Company 1515 Market St. Sometown, CA 55555 Re: Marketing manager position advertised on Dear Ms. Ramos: I read your advertisement for a marketing manager...

CV – Post of a Medicle Representative

24 October 2015 The Managing Director Supreme Pharmaceutical Industry Ltd. Dhamrai, Dhaka. Subject: Application for the post of a Senior Medical Representative. Dear Sir, From your advertisement published in ‘The...

CV – Post of an Account Officer for Bank

15 October 2015 The Managing Director The Premier Bank Ltd. 42, Kamal Ataturk Avenue, Banani, Dhaka. Subject: Application for the post of an Accounts Officer. Dear Sir, From your advertisement...

CV- Post of Computer Operator

13 October 2015 The Managing Director Garmeenphone Gp House, Basundhara, Baridhara, Dhaka-1229. Subject: Application for the post of a Computer Operator. Dear Sir, From your advertisement published in ‘The...

CV – Post of an Assistant Teacher (English)

Moin Ahmed 7/A, Bonani Dhaka October 22, 2014 The Headmaster Progati High School, Bodikuna,South Surma,Sylhet. Subject: Application for the post of an Assistant Teacher in English. Dear Sir, In response to your...

Uses and abuses of mobile phone – Dialogue

Emran : Hi Milon, How are you? Milon : Fine and you? Emran : Well because I have bought a mobile phone. Milon : Great....
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